Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Softball Pitching

In softball there are many different types of pitches, such as; fastballs, curve balls, rise balls, 
change ups, and drop balls.             
  • Fast Ball; a fastball is exactly what it sounds like, its a fast pitch. This is usually the first pitch a pitcher learns. To throw a fastball you will want to grip the across the laces with your fingers and use your legs for maximum force, then snap you wrist when you release and follow through. 
  • Curve Ball; a curve ball is a type of pitch in which the pitcher twists their wrist as they release the ball. This causes the ball to spin and curve which makes it extremely difficult for the batter to hit.
  • Rise Ball; the rise ball is the most difficult pitch to master. In order to pitch a rise ball the pitcher must hold the ball with their ring and middle finger closest to the laces. Then the pitcher must dig their ring finger into the lace and placing your thumb on top of the ball when you start to release. Next you must quickly turn your hand so it is facing up. This causes the ball to rise as it reaches the plate.
  • Change Up; a change up is used to keep the batter off balance. In order to throw this pitch the pitcher must hold the ball deeper in their hand and grip their fingers around the ball. When the pitcher releases the ball they must make sure that they do not snap their wrists but still fully follow throw. This causes the ball to slow down and throw off the batter because they will be expecting a fastball.
  • Drop Ball; is when the pitcher throws the and it drops right before it crosses the plate. Its basically the same motion as a fastball but instead you grip the ball parallel to the laces. You want to keep your elbows tight, stand up straight and snap the ball as it releases your hand. This causes the ball to make a downward spiral and throws the batter off.



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