Thursday 1 October 2015

Racquetball: Canadian Ranking System

Canada has a very specific ranking system when it comes to racquetball. When you first start playing racquetball, you apply for your account on r2sports. The first time your ranking will show up, you will be in last place. In order to move up in rankings you have to beat a person who is ahead of you twice in a row. If you beat them twice, you will move to their spot of ranking and they move behind you but, if you win one and lose one you have to win two to get their ranking. For example, Player 1 is ranked 123 and Player 2 is ranked 21. Player 1 plays Player 2 one game and beats them but the next game they play Player 1 loses. Player 1 will stay ranked in the same place and will not be tracking Player 2 anymore. The next tourney they play Player 1 beats Player 2 in a game so, Player 1 is now tracking Player 2's ranking. The next game they play Player 1 pulls off another win so, the next time they update the rankings Player 1 will be one spot ahead of Player 2.

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